This website acts as my portfolio and blog. It is currently under construction and will be continually updated. This is actually the third version of my portfolio site and is used as a test-bed for developing things with new technologies. To learn more about how this project was built, checkout the about page.

Internal Client

This project is used to display data within a github-page app using nextjs.

Building for static export

Run the following to build a static build:

npx nx run internal-client:export

Serving previously build static export

Run the following to serve the static build, as a kind of "smoke build"

npx nx run internal-client:smoke

Note the projects+blog pages don't work here for some reason, you need to redirect to localhost:8000/projects.html instead of just localhost:8000/projects


Run the following to use next to serve the project locally:

npx nx run internal-client:serve

This does not include the statically built files that are usually added during the actual build.

Serving the analyzed build

Run the following to run the build analyzer:

ANALYZE=true npx nx run internal-client:build

This will ignore anything related to the sentry bundle however, and open the browser to the statistics.



This script is used to get meta-data for a given static markdown file using front-matter. This primarily exists for testing.

npx nx run internal-client:get-meta-data --path=apps/internal-client/static/projects/


This script is used to run validation checks on the static projects folder using front-matter. This primarily exists for testing.

npx nx run internal-client:validate-static-projects --path=apps/internal-client/static/projects/


This script is used to run validation checks on the static blog folder using front-matter. This primarily exists for testing.

npx nx run internal-client:validate-blog-posts --path=apps/internal-client/static/blog/

prod-build shell script

This bash script will go through similar steps to setup the production build and then serve it via http-server.

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